Telehealth Security: Emerging Trends and Technologies

Doctor using secure telehealth technology

In the wake of a significant cybersecurity incident at Change Healthcare, the healthcare industry faces nationwide challenges, including delays in filling prescriptions and processing insurance claims. This incident, as reported by CNN, underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures within the telehealth sector. As we delve into the landscape of telehealth security, it's essential to understand the persistent cybersecurity challenges that healthcare providers face along with emerging trends in cyber attacks, and new technologies to combat them. 

Persistent Cybersecurity Challenges in Healthcare 

Cybersecurity continues to be a daunting challenge in healthcare due to several factors. The sector's reliance on legacy systems, the vast amount of sensitive data handled, and the complexity of healthcare networks make it a prime target for cybercriminals. Moreover, the report from HIPAA Journal highlights that 85% of cyberattacks in critical infrastructure sectors, including healthcare, could have been prevented with basic security measures, such as prompt patching, multi-factor authentication, and adherence to the principle of least privilege. This indicates a significant gap in cybersecurity practices and compliance within the healthcare sector, emphasizing the need for improvement (HIPAA Journal). 

Trends in Healthcare Cyber Attacks 

The healthcare sector has seen a notable shift in the nature and frequency of cyber attacks. A staggering 71% increase in the abuse of valid accounts highlights a growing trend where attackers exploit legitimate user credentials to gain unauthorized access to systems and data. This method's success is largely due to the vast quantity of valid credentials available on the dark web and the challenge in distinguishing between legitimate and malicious user activity.  

Furthermore, there's been a 266% surge in incidents involving infostealing malware, indicating a pivot towards methods that gather sensitive information, such as login credentials and financial data. This shift suggests that as defenses against ransomware improve, cybercriminals are exploring new strategies that offer higher success rates and lower detection risks (Security Intelligence). 

Healthcare Cybersecurity Trends in 2024 

The integration of AI and automation into Security Operations (SecOps) teams marks a pivotal trend, significantly reducing the breach lifecycle by 33% or 108 days. This advancement lowers the average breach duration from 214 days to 106 days, crucially narrowing the window for attackers to exploit compromised systems. Moreover, the extensive use of AI and automation has led to a 33.6% cost savings for the average data breach, underscoring the financial benefits of these technologies (VentureBeat). 

In addition to technological advancements, the emphasis on mastering cybersecurity fundamentals has never been more critical. As highlighted in a Forbes article by David Chou, the healthcare industry in 2024 must prioritize the basics of cybersecurity to safeguard against evolving threats. This includes enforcing strong password policies, regular software updates, employee training on phishing and social engineering attacks, and comprehensive risk assessments. These fundamental practices form the backbone of a robust cybersecurity strategy, ensuring that healthcare providers can defend against both common and sophisticated cyber threats. 

Protecting Telemedicine Providers from Cyber Attacks 

To safeguard against cyber threats, telemedicine providers must adopt a multi-layered security approach. This includes enhancing detection capabilities to identify and mitigate threats early, implementing strong access control measures, and ensuring regular security training for all staff members.  

Additionally, embracing advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning can significantly improve the ability to detect and respond to cyber incidents swiftly. Providers should also focus on achieving and maintaining compliance with industry standards and regulations, such as the HIPAA Security Rule, to protect patient data and avoid potential breaches. 


The cybersecurity landscape in healthcare is evolving rapidly, with increasing threats and sophisticated attack methods. However, by understanding the trends and the challenges, and adopting advanced security measures while still emphasizing the fundamentals, telemedicine providers can better protect themselves and their patients from cyber threats. The integration of AI and automation into cybersecurity practices not only reduces the impact of breaches but also offers significant cost savings, highlighting the importance of technological advancement in the fight against cybercrime. 


Understanding the Cybersecurity Risks in Telemedicine